Friday, September 14, 2012

Awesome Animal Camouflage Picture

1. A Flounder  A Flounder Flounder are a group of flatfish species. They are demersal fish found at the bottom of coastal lagoons and estuaries of the Northern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. 2. Green frog A Green frog emerging from the duckweeds in St Omer, France. 3. Grey Cicada  A Grey Cicada hides on pine bark in France 4. Locust A Locust mimicks a blade of grass in Burkina Faso. 5. Rock Ptarmigan chick A...

Friday, September 7, 2012

Unique Lamps - Creative Lamp Designed

1. Mary Had a Little Lamp Lonely in bed at night while you read? Mary Had a Little Lamp is there to help you and keep your bed warm. 2. Sneaker Lamp Creative lamp designed by Clara Sjodin that looks like a sneaker. The cloth shoe laces are not only accurately scaled, they are the actual power cords for the bulbs found in each sneaker, which helps keep the lamp's design very clean. Would you put a pair up in your house?  3. Penguins...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Inca Rope Bridge - Peru

Inca Rope Bridge - Peru - Inca rope bridges were simple suspension bridges over canyons and gorges (pongos) to provide access for the Inca Empire. Bridges of this type were suitable for use since the Inca people did not use wheeled transport - traffic was limited to pedestrians and livestock. These bridges were an integral part on the Inca road system and are an example of Inca innovation in engineering. They were frequently used by Chasqui runners...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Most Endangered Species - Bluefin Tuna

  The Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is a large migratory fish found in the western and eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. Bluefin tuna is the source of highest grade sushi. Bluefin tuna fisheries are near collapse and the species at serious risk of extinction if unsustainable fishing practices in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean are not stopped. The Atlantic bluefin tuna is one of the largest, fastest, and most...

Most Endangered Species - Magellanic Penguin

Magellanic Penguin Habitat (Spheniscus magellanicus) Magellanic Penguins are found around the coast line of Chile, Argentina and the Falkland Islands. They spend their time at sea and when they come ashore to breed they form large colonies. Once threatened primarily by oil spills, Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus), now face a larger threat as fish are displaced by warming ocean currents, forcing the birds to swim farther to find food....

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Marble Waterfall - Umbria, Italy

Useful Information Address : S79 I - 05100 Terni Phone : 074462982 Website : Prices : Apply to Infopoint for information on cost. Opening hours : Apply to Infopoint for information on timetables and cost. Take State Road "Valnerina" of Terni, you will reach Marmore very famous dive after only 7 km away. It's obviously an absolute must for anyone who decides to visit Umbria. The waterfalls, which are soaked in natural...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fly Ranch Geyser - Nevada, US Review

Fly Ranch Geyser located in Nevada, US: A collision of human error and natural geothermal pressure. Fly Geyser, also known as Fly Ranch Geyser is a small geothermal geyser that is located approximately 20 miles (32 km) north of Gerlach, in Washoe County, Nevada. The Geyser is located in Hualapai Flat, about 1/3 of a mile from State Route 34. It is large enough to be seen from the road. These look as if they were taken on another planet,...

Sainte Chapelle Stained Glass

Sainte Chapelle Stained Glass (France) La Sainte-Chapelle is a Gothic chapel on the Ile de la Cite in the heart of Paris, France. The most visually beautiful aspects of the chapel, considered the best of their type in the world, are its 6,458 square feet of stained glass windows of the upper chapel, surrounded by delicate painted stonework. The windows are in deep reds and blues and illustrate 1,130 figures from the Bible....